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5 Ways to Give Yourself a Relaxing Spa Day at Home

Everyone deserves a little special treatment every now and then, and a spa day is an ideal way to do it. You have the chance to relax and unwind, and get a little pampered while you’re at it. But not everybody can afford to visit a day spa every time they’re feeling a little stressed. Fortunately, there are many ways you can give yourself a relaxing spa day right at home, without paying an arm and a leg. Here are 5 different ways to pamper yourself.

Upgrade Your Bath
A long, hot bath is one of the most basic ways you can treat yourself to a mini-spa day at home. But you deserve more than basic. So, upgrade your bath to make it a more luxurious experience. Light some candles. Add some bath salts, essential oils, bubbles, or a bath bomb to the water. Spring for a bath pillow so you can really lay back and unwind. Get a nice exfoliating body scrub, and scrub away those dead skin cells while also sloughing off your anxiety. Turn on some relaxing music, and bring a glass of wine along with you. Add whatever you want to add to your bath to make it the relaxing experience you deserve.

Try a Spa Scrub Brush
If you really want to get that feeling of a high-end spa treatment, but don’t want to spend half your month’s wages on a spa package, just invest in a spa scrub brush instead. These handy devices are another great way to upgrade your bath. The various attachments allow you to exfoliate and massage your skin, just as they would do in a comprehensive spa package. But instead of it being a one-time thing, you can use them over and over again, as often as you wish to treat yourself to a home spa day.

Give Yourself a Pedicure
If you have a steady hand with a brush, there’s no need to pay someone else $30 or more to get a pedicure. Sit back in the comfort of your own home, turn on your favorite show, and give yourself a pedicure. You don’t need one of those fancy foot baths either. Just get a large bowl or plastic bin, and fill it with hot water and some essential oil. Soak for a while, then exfoliate your own feet with a pumice stone, or that handy spa scrub brush mentioned above. Give yourself a nice foot and leg massage using your favorite lotion or foot cream, and apply your favorite polish. It’s a great way to unwind after a long week.

Give Yourself a Facial
Facials are great for your skin, but getting one at the spa is expensive. Instead, do the facial yourself by following these steps:

  1. Cleanse your skin. Be sure to thoroughly wash away any makeup, dirt, sweat, etc., using warm water and a facial cleanser.
  2. Exfoliate with a facial exfoliating scrub, using circular, upward motions. Do this for one to two minutes before rinsing. You can even make your own organic facial scrub by combining one part coconut oil to two parts sugar. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and mix it together. Store any extras in a
    Food Storage Containers with Lids
    glass storage container with a lid for easy spa days later on.
  3. Steam your face. Boil some water in a large pot, then drape a towel over your head and lean over the steam. Be sure not to get too close! The steam should feel warm, not hot. You can even add herbs or essential oils to the water to take that spa feeling up a notch.
  4. Apply your favorite treatment mask. You can buy these, or make your own from natural ingredients. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes, then remove with a warm wash cloth. Splash your face with cold water to help close the pores and brighten your skin.
  5. Apply your favorite toner and/or facial serum, if you have one.
  6. Finally, moisturize. Be sure to use a moisturizer that is especially for use on the face, so you’re not applying any unnecessary chemicals to the sensitive skin on your face. You can even give yourself a nice facial massage at this point for one to two minutes.

At-home facials are a great way to improve the overall appearance and health of your skin while helping you to relax and ease away the day’s tension.

All of the Above
Really need to unwind? Why not take a day for yourself and do all of the at-home spa treatments mentioned above? Whether it’s stress from work, anxiety over personal issues, or exhaustion brought on from child-rearing, giving yourself a spa day is certain to refresh you and improve your mental, physical, and emotional health.

No matter how busy you may be, try to find some time for yourself, and treat yourself to a mini-spa day whenever you can.
